Monday, November 12, 2007

Exercise 21 - Podcasts

This seemed to be quite frustrating for us all in the workroom. I tried looking at but really didn't have much success. Kept coming up with this ActiveXcontrol thing. So read the exercise re Bloglines and RSS feeders and thought, how on earth do I do that? Had completely forgotten that exercise. But low and behold, when I went in to my Bloglines account, I remembered it all. Yes, knowledge that is only stored in the brain and never used, is not of much use! On going in to Bloglines, found the 'Using Bloglines To Track Podcasts' article and that simplified the whole exercise. From there I could add an RSS feed for a news podcast to my Bloglines account. I think I'm getting to the point of information overload!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Podcasts are great to download and listen to - you can even put them on an mp3 player :)