Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Exercise 22 - E books

Well, I've probably said it before, but this is something I definitely know I wouldn't use! Will I prove myself wrong?? Sorry, reading a book on-line is not my thing. I'm the person who puts on the CD, pours the glass of wine and curls up in the couch with that lovely invention - THE BOOK! But this was a great exercise, as had never looked at Netlibrary and really wouldn't have had a clue how to help customers wanting to do so. So I've at least learnt that much. The only thing I would possibly use are the journals or perhaps material I required for a study purpose, when I couldn't get a hard copy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't handle reading a book off a screen, maybe one day they'll invent something that isn't hard on the eyes (and can be snuggled up with just like a book)

So for me too, netlibrary is for study purposes only :)