Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 2!

Well I'm now attempting to be friends with more people than I probably have in reality! Already set myself up on Facebook awhile back - much to my kids' horror, especially when their friends invited me to be friends! Not really my fault - I just don't know so many people in my own age group networking in the 'unreal' world! Have also joined Myspace and Bebo, but stuck on how to link these pages to my blog??

Monday, September 24, 2007

Yes, I'm here!

After many interruptions and attempts at finding my way, I have reached at least one point on the road to update my technical skills - long overdue! Was one of my goals for this year and low and behold, ACL starts this great programme. Because I tend to be 'slightly' impatient, if I don't get things right away, I can be quick to give up! Also joined up with Facebook recently, so obviously I'm getting younger every moment!