Sunday, October 28, 2007

Exercise 15 - Library 2 and Web 2

Well this was all very interesting reading. I think it showed the difference from where I've come and where I'm hoping to go, in that I printed off some of the articles to read rather than reading them on-line. Just so much easier to sit in the comfy chair at lunchtime and look at the written word! Really enjoyed Rick Anderson's words - 'Away from the "icebergs" '. Those 3 icebergs - they do belong to a bygone era, but how hard it is to let them go! Yes, our patrons will expect access to it all, but many of them will also want a friendly chat at their local library, a person to listen to some of their woes (nothing to do with books or the internet). The constant question of customer service - how can we be everything to everyone?
What does it mean to me? All this makes me think, move out of my comfort zone and step into the 'brave new world!' In practical terms, upskill just like I'm doing now!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 6 - Exercise 14

Did the keyword searching for "Learning 2.0" in blog post, tags and blog directory. Very different results with 2,517 hits via the directory, 561 on the blog posts and 700 via the tags option. Thought the advanced search option was straightforward and easy to use."learning%202.0"?authority=a4&language=en

Found it interesting to look at the most popular blogs and thought the one below at number 2 could be interesting. But then when I went in to it, discovered I had no idea what people were talking about. Even when I read a number of the blogs, I still didn't understand what it was all about. Obviously making a lot of progress with Web2, but not that much!

Exercise 13 Week 6 - well can't really see the point of this. Did read on one of the resources that it's useful if you use various computers and therefore have favourites listed on different ones. I can see the point of that. But a lot of trouble for little effect, so can't really see it as a valuable research tool. Looked at all the resources, but not convinced! Haven't set up an account, as sort of getting too many accounts and didn't think it would be something I'd use.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Exercise 12 Rollyo

Had a look at Rollyo and have set myself up with account as below and started adding travel sites to my search roll for my next big trip in 2009. This could be useful to keep everything within reach.

Not sure of the potential use of all these searchrolls, but found the one below great and could possibly use it when trying to think of one of those quotations you never remember at the right time.

Added my searchroll to my blog, but like in Willow's comment, was a bit perplexed re the missing step. I should have read that comment before doing it and saved myself the time! This would have been one of the most useful comments yet. Really delighted to see it appear on my blog, as even though one can follow through on all the instructions, there's always that slight apprehension that things will actually work!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 5 Library Thing

Well this is true to a librarian's heart! But as I spend a lot of my day talking about books, I'm probably not keen to do so on-line as well. Set up the account and added the books, but had a bit of trouble with the widget thing, because couldn't put the HTML on my blog - came up with a 'funny' message. Found another person who had the same books on her catalogue as myself. Must have either been a child or a person like me who has always loved 'Anne of Green Gables'.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Yes, yes, yes!!!

Well, I couldn't stand the fact that I was unable to save my animated glow logo, so had to try again and here it is! Not particularly inspiring, but I got there!!

Week 5 - Exercise 10

Well, having a go adding this image and playing around with the different image generators. There are images for everything under the sun. Oops, first one didn't open, next try meant I ended up with over 100 images - not sure what happened there! So here goes again. Well after numerous tries on, I decided that maybe it was the problem that I had an animated logo. I tried saving to memory stick, floppy, hard drive, but no luck. Finally just did the whole change password deal on the site and it looks like it has worked. It was only then that I got the hyperlink which enabled me to copy and paste it. A lot of time spent on this, but very rewarding in the end!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 4 - Exercise 9 - Newsfeeds

Had a look at the search tools, feedster, etc. Found easiest to use because of the ability to do a city search for news. Not that I don't like to know what is going on in the world, it can just simplify what I need to know at a particular point in time! In all honesty, I find some of the search tools just too overwhelming with information. I can't imagine ever having the time to spend on these things, so probably just take what I can out of it and that's it. But great knowing what I never knew existed! Technorati seems to have a strong US bias, but does have sub-headings that jump out at you and make the searching easy. Favourite search link below.

Week 4 - Bloglines

Well this seemed to take a lot of time and cause a lot of frustration! Don't think I'd use it that much, although very handy to have my weekly astrological overview! Maybe need to keep subscribed just to get that - let's me know what's around the corner! Enjoyed adding colleague's feeds and yes, that bit was easy. Just so much information out there, all a bit overpowering. Added 13 feeds, mainly around books and travel. Here's the link to my public blogline account.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 3 - Exercise 7

Week 3 - Exercise 7

Had a look at the Skype link and have heard a lot about it from friends. Was good to see how it actually works and how easy it is. Don't have a use for it at the moment, but will definitely be a goer when my kids do their O.E.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Flickr Fun!!

Quick learning session on flickrmashups with a colleague's assistance and a couple of photos added. Need more time though to have a good practice and sort of photos floating around on discs at home! Have a look at our work clown!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 3 - Exercise 6

Discovered a Third Party Flickr application that I think I would actually use! It's the Trip Planner. Would have been great on my big trip this year, but then again I sort of did the same thing - just with a pen and paper! All of which means I'll need to save away and plan another trip, so that I can use this great tool. Here's the link:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 3

Well it's up and down - grabbing time to make some slight progress! One big success which is not part of this training, was managing to advertise something on Trademe - Yes, I know the rest of the world can do that, but a first for me! Had a good look at Flickr, but don't think I'd use it that much as don't do a lot with photos, but fun to look anyway. Well and truly onto Facebook now and just using Bebo and Myspace for purposes of training. Don't want to be doing too much social networking - not enough time for anything else!

Sending the link to a great shot of New York - it represents the fantastic madness which is that city!