Monday, October 22, 2007

Exercise 12 Rollyo

Had a look at Rollyo and have set myself up with account as below and started adding travel sites to my search roll for my next big trip in 2009. This could be useful to keep everything within reach.

Not sure of the potential use of all these searchrolls, but found the one below great and could possibly use it when trying to think of one of those quotations you never remember at the right time.

Added my searchroll to my blog, but like in Willow's comment, was a bit perplexed re the missing step. I should have read that comment before doing it and saved myself the time! This would have been one of the most useful comments yet. Really delighted to see it appear on my blog, as even though one can follow through on all the instructions, there's always that slight apprehension that things will actually work!


Anonymous said...

Well done, where abouts are you thinking of travelling to in 2009? :)

Ciao55 said...

Not exactly sure yet, but probably England, Ireland and Spain or Portugal. Did a major trip this year and now my travel bug from my 20's has returned100%!