Sunday, October 28, 2007

Exercise 15 - Library 2 and Web 2

Well this was all very interesting reading. I think it showed the difference from where I've come and where I'm hoping to go, in that I printed off some of the articles to read rather than reading them on-line. Just so much easier to sit in the comfy chair at lunchtime and look at the written word! Really enjoyed Rick Anderson's words - 'Away from the "icebergs" '. Those 3 icebergs - they do belong to a bygone era, but how hard it is to let them go! Yes, our patrons will expect access to it all, but many of them will also want a friendly chat at their local library, a person to listen to some of their woes (nothing to do with books or the internet). The constant question of customer service - how can we be everything to everyone?
What does it mean to me? All this makes me think, move out of my comfort zone and step into the 'brave new world!' In practical terms, upskill just like I'm doing now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great work - enjoyed your thoughts